What is a Hero?

What is a Hero?

WHAT IS A HERO? Video with T. A. Barron Return to News Room Author T. A. Barron answers the question, “What is a Hero?”. T. A. Barron’s YouTube Page ABOUT…

Service with a Summertime Twist!

Service with a Summertime Twist!

…to cover the $500,000 cost. Two years later, Rachel is working with city government and community groups to add a $300,000 splash pad. She will officially launch fundraising in September…

Giving Thanks for This Yearโ€™s Young Heroes

Giving Thanks for This Yearโ€™s Young Heroes

combines his passions for filmmaking and hydroponic gardening to foster peace between communities in conflict and to help feed vulnerable groups. Leo, an avid baker and entrepreneur, creates Do-It-Yourself baking…

2015 Winners

…“I’ve realized that the greatest difference I can make is through rallying others in the community to make differences of their own,” says Robbie. “That’s what service is all about.”…